The aerospace engineering, also popularly known as rocket science involves the engineering and science of spacecraft and aircraft. Though the aerospace is more connected to national defence and international space and astronomical activities many private parties across the world such as the Sonovision are active stakeholders of aerospace dealing with specialised services such as rockets, missiles, helicopters, aeroplanes, space shuttles, space stations etc. and are connected to various types of other flying objects operational in and out of the atmosphere of the earth planet. Eventually, the aerospace deals with specialised education and research, designing and development aircraft and spacecraft and defence materials, along with their various constructions, testing, investigation and collaboration.
The study and performance of aerospace is a complex, delicate and sophisticate subject and needs advanced and superior tools. Ultimately, the aerospace engineers work on developing new and advanced technology for space exploration, aviation as well as defence and national and international security system. The entire aerospace industry can be divided into two broad categories or divisions namely the aeronautical engineering which deals with aircraft exclusively in the atmosphere of the earth, and secondly, the astronautical engineering that deals with the spacecraft and space-related components operating outside the atmosphere of the earth.
The performances and significant achievements of aerospace industries across the world have over the period, inspired many other industries such as electronics, telecommunication and artificial intelligence particularly the robotics. The US aerospace industry is considered as the largest in relation to both in and out earth atmosphere activities and services, as well as, supplying various types of civil and military aerospace hardware equipment and technologies to other countries. More than 500000 people are presently engaged in various types of technical and scientific activities of the US aerospace sector and more than 700000 people are directly and indirectly are supported for this cause.
The core subjects of aerospace engineering comprise chemistry through the perspective of molecular science, introductory engineering, dynamics of aerospace, chemistry through the angle of quantitative science, structural computing of aerospace, environmental physics, aerospace engineering, designing of aircraft, dynamics of engineering, engineering of physics etc.
The roles and responsibilities of aerospace engineers involve coordination, guidance and direction in designing, manufacturing and testing of aircraft and other aerospace materials. The aerospace engineers also get involved in the processes of research and formulating projects to determine the technical and financial feasibilities of projects. Eventually, the aerospace engineers as well as the aerospace industry play and function a critical role in protecting and promoting human development.